
During my three weeks in Morocco I didn’t really get off the beaten path, but this place has a lot of beauty to offer anywhere you look. I spent a few days in Marrakesh, some time surfing in the south, a good week in Essaouira (which I loved), then a quick drive into the desert. I would really like to get a car next time and explore around little villages to get a better idea of how people live outside of the cities.

This was my first time to a Muslim country, and lots of little differences were quickly made apparent. The most obvious were probably the regular calls to prayer, and the difficulty in finding alcohol. But the overall mindset and economic flow was really interesting. The king Mohammed VI was very smart during the Arab Spring of 2011 and spoke out to the people, having them vote on a new prime minister. There was never an uprising and the population still feel they have control of the social climate. So despite seeing the occasional homeless beggar, everybody seemed decently well taken care of. They explained to me how 70% of work is done under the table, whether someone is getting paid secretly, or a barter agreement is made.

“If my shoes break and I don’t have any money, I go to my friend’s shop right here and he gives me shoes, knowing that I pay him back soon. It’s no problem.”

They all take care of one another and offer food and shelter to those in need.

People seemed generally happy with living in Morocco. These photos almost exclusively focus on the traditional medina (market) areas, and those who wear the older style garments. Outside the walls, however, was always a fully functioning newer city with many areas looking as modern as Las Vegas or Palm Springs. I could see living well in this country.


Namibian Townships


Havana Centro